Association of Timber Houses Producers
The decision of log house producers to collaborate in dealing with various sector-related problems was finalised in 2005, when the Association of Log Houses Producers (ALHP) was established in Lithuania. Starting from a few members, today this association joins more than 30 Lithuanian producers of log houses.
The ALHP has developed infrastructure for public service business and is providing specific services to the Association members. The Association helps the Lithuanian producers of wood houses to find partners abroad and also assists potential foreign investors to find producers in Lithuania. In addition, the Association issues publications on log houses, holds seminars and other events, provides consultations on production standards, foreign business offers and other relevant information. With a view to increasing competitiveness of the Lithuanian log home producers, facilitating corporate specialisation and thus improving work efficiency, the ALHP has initiated the formation of the wood construction cluster. The cluster joins timber processing, woodhouse production and construction undertakings, architects, engineers, technologists, and suppliers of component parts (roofs, foundations, windows, doors), and others.
The ALHP has been a member of the International Log Builders" Association (ILBA) and Standardisation Technical Committee of the Lithuanian Standards Board, LST TC 17 "Mediena" since 2006.
The ILBA is currently joining more than 100 world associations of log home producers and other institutions related to log homes. Being a member of the international network, the ALHP exchanges information about foreign markets, state-of-the-art technologies, shares experience and represents the Lithuanian producers of log houses on the international market. The experience and knowledge of the International Log Builders" Association has been highly useful for the development of the log house production and construction standards.
The ALHP is actively sharing in the activities of the standardisation committee dealing with issues relating to the standards applicable to wood and its derivatives. This committee joins forest enterprises, producers, processors and suppliers of wood and wood derivatives, scientific and training establishments, experts of testing laboratories and public institutions, etc. At the end of 2006, standardisation committee LST TC 17 "Mediena" approved typical corporate standard drafted by the ALHP "Log houses. Production and construction".
ALHP prepared the project named "The expansion of competitiveness of Lithuanian log houses producers", and got the financial support from EU structural funds. ALHP also participate in the EU the Seventh Framework Programme related to science and research activity.
The Association was one of the founders of the national forest-based technology platform in 2006. The objectives of the platform are to combine business potential and scientific achievements, to strengthen positions of the forest-based sector in the social, business and economic national and global context. By sharing in the activities of the technology platform, the Association contributes to the development of the common forest sector strategy (vision). Implementation of the national vision of the forest-based sector technology platform will create preconditions for carrying out research which outcomes could be used in the log house production industry.
The Association of Log Houses Producers is regularly holding seminars for the producers of wood houses and inviting foreign and Lithuanian experts to make their report. In addition, the Association issues special publications presenting the features and types of log homes, production and construction technologies and other relevant information. The ALHP pays big attention to the dissemination of information about healthy and eco-friendly log homes and public understanding.